
Welcome to “Well-done”


Although we all want godly kids, we still struggle. Well-done parenting turns well-intended choices into children who hear God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matt 25:21).

In order to make that dream a reality, I write about six topics: Parenting, Marriage, Leadership, Faith, Character, and Culture.

If you find these blogs helpful, I ask for two favors:

  1. Share them with family and friends.
  2. Provide your comments. I will read and reply to every comment.

How to raise PG kids in an R world – #2: Memorable Characters

By |November 16th, 2021|Categories: Family, Leadership, Parenting|

Why in the world is it so hard to find a decent movie? They nearly all have characters following R-rated scripts with strong language, violence, and sex. So too, it’s getting harder and harder for [...]

How to raise PG kids in an R world – #1: Intriguing Plots

By |October 29th, 2021|Categories: Faith, Family, Parenting|

Kids start out so innocent. Before you know it, though, they’re saying inappropriate things in front of your friends. And you’re left asking, “Where in the world did THAT come from?!” The answer is often [...]

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