Last week, our family, like yours, tore into wrapped Christmas gifts with oohs and aahs like a Wheel of Fortune episode. COVID, however, cancelled our much-anticipated white elephant gift exchange – a chance to regift previously-received, yet unused, gifts.

This year, though, I want to regift something COVID can’t cancel, something people are actually more open to receive now because of COVID. It’s something everyone secretly wants, desperately needs, and silently hopes to receive. It’s the best present you can regift on Christmas Day and every day – true sacrifice.

The true test of what you value is what you’ll sacrifice to have. Paul Kimball sacrificed wealth and pride to teach students like me in college. The Apostle Paul sacrificed health and reputation to proclaim the gospel. My dad sacrificed time and money to meet people’s mechanical and electrical needs. All three sacrificed greatly because they greatly valued people and the God that called them to serve those people. All three received and regifted Jesus’ sacrifice for them, albeit through their own unique giftedness, passions, and calling. Here are five ways that you too can regift Jesus’ sacrifice for your loved ones.

5 ways to regift true sacrifice

  1. Sacrifice your wants for their needs

If you want to benefit someone, share your passions and giftedness with them. But if you want to transform their future, sacrifice what you want in order to meet their needs. True sacrifice, though, isn’t free. It costs, even if money isn’t involved. True sacrifice is what you’ll agonize over, strive for, persist in, submit to, serve under, rise above, and persist through. Following Jesus’ example, you gladly give away what you love to meet the needs of people you love even more.

  1. Sacrifice your sleep for their rest

Somehow my wife can go for weeks with little sleep in order to meet people’s needs. Why? Because she’s giving what she has been given – God’s peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:7). Sacrificing sleep allows her to creatively give what brings people physical and emotional rest. They often don’t know how Anna sacrifices; they just receive her respite, love, and acceptance that come from abiding in the restful arms of Jesus.

  1. Sacrifice your transparency for their connection

Many people talk a lot, yet say very little. They miss the point that people want to connect with you before connecting to your mission. People want to know you – warts and all – especially the crises and challenges you’ve navigated. Transparently regifting the good and bad lessons you’ve learned can forge unforgettable connections. Your life lessons are like beautifully wrapped gifts that are even better inside when opened and shared with others.

  1. Sacrifice your plans for their purpose

We all have plans. The question isn’t how great they are or how well you accomplish them. It’s how much you’ll sacrifice your plans to help others fulfill their purpose. Don’t push your plans on others; sacrifice your plans in order to put them on the path to faithfulness for their good and God’s glory. Then again, God’s plan is to give you a future and hope (Jer. 29:11). And thankfully, while you make plans, He directs your steps (Prov. 16:9).

  1. Sacrifice your time for their eternity

Nothing speaks more about what you value than the time you sacrifice to prepare others for eternity. Society says education is the key to a brighter tomorrow, but education doesn’t get you into heaven or crowns to lay at Jesus’ feet. Only saving faith gets you in and only faithfully regifting your God-given purpose gets you crowns. Sacrificial time is the gateway to helping others enjoy a bright eternity, as well a brighter tomorrow.

Then again, all we’re doing by sacrificing is following Jesus, who sacrificed everything for us. He left heaven, was born of a virgin in a lowly manger, lived thirty years as a poor carpenter’s son, and allowed Himself to be crucified. Even when he prayed to be spared from a crucifixion death, He sacrificed His wants for our needs, His sleep for our rest, His transparency for our connection, His plans for our purpose, and His time for our eternity. He did all this, while sacrificing His place in heaven, so that we can join Him there.

Too often, we treat God’s gifts like a white elephant exchange – a chance to give away previously-received, yet unused, gifts. We trade our junk for someone else’s. But not this year. This year, let’s truly sacrifice. Let’s regift all God has given us – the best gift possible for any loved one, for any occasion, on Christmas and every other day.

Questions: Who in your life has truly sacrificed so that you can have a bright tomorrow and a place in heaven? How can you do the same for your family and others?