
Welcome to “Well-done”


Although we all want godly kids, we still struggle. Well-done parenting turns well-intended choices into children who hear God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matt 25:21).

In order to make that dream a reality, I write about six topics: Parenting, Marriage, Leadership, Faith, Character, and Culture.

If you find these blogs helpful, I ask for two favors:

  1. Share them with family and friends.
  2. Provide your comments. I will read and reply to every comment.

Parenting Secret Sauce: O – Obedient

By |April 26th, 2022|Categories: Character, Faith, Family|Tags: , , |

Obedience joyfully submits, no matter how unjoyful and unsubmissive you feel. Obedience starts at home. I hated obedience as a kid, but as a young parent it’s my favorite. With all the complaining, eye-rolling, and [...]

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